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Reduce administrative burdens in healthcare? Here’s how to do it with low-code

1 May 2024 • Blog

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It has been an annoyance for many healthcare providers for years: the many manual and error-prone entries in various systems. This costs them a lot of time that they would rather spend on clients. Many healthcare facilities recognize this and are eager to support their staff in this regard. Low-code applications can help with this. Know how? In this blog, we answer three pressing questions about reducing administrative burden in healthcare with low-code.

How can you the reduce administrative burden in healthcare with low-code applications?

Low-code applications make it much easier for healthcare organizations to create software because they require little programming knowledge. The apps can also be easily adapted to the specific needs of the institution. They can completely replace outdated systems or add a flexible shell to them. Low-code applications simplify routine tasks, such as tracking patient data and scheduling appointments. This makes reducing administrative burdens in healthcare much easier.By spending less time on administrative tasks, healthcare providers can pay more attention to patient care so that the quality of care improves.

Take, for example, GGZ InGeest, a mental health institution. This organization wanted to better support its healthcare logistics process with automation, reducing the administrative burden on staff. Bizzomate built a low-code application that integrates seamlessly with InGeest’s current application landscape, such as e-mail, the electronic client record (ECD) and the General Data Management Code (AGB) registry. Employees can handle referrals from one central environment and collaborate more efficiently and task-focused across sites.

How can process automation improve multidisciplinary care collaboration and reduce administrative burdens?

Process automation can improve multidisciplinary collaboration in healthcare by making it easy to streamline tasks such as sharing client information and scheduling treatments with low-code applications. This allows healthcare providers who are part of multidisciplinary teams to exchange information much more easily and quickly. Process automation can also help reduce errors and improve the accuracy of client data. By automating processes, care teams can work more efficiently and spend more time on direct care.

That process automation can significantly improve multidisciplinary collaboration in a healthcare facility is illustrated by Mental Care Group. This institution provides mental health services for children, adults and employees under seven different labels. Among other things, Bizzomate built them a portal for practitioners, which means that practitioners from different disciplines now have central insight into the status of clients and can collaborate much more easily.

Does modernizing legacy software help retain healthcare employees?

Yes, modernizing legacy software with low-code helps retain healthcare employees. Low-code applications are often easier to use and more intuitive, allowing employees to work more efficiently. Upgrading software can also add new features that simplify and improve employees’ work. By investing in modern technologies, the organization shows that it values the well-being and productivity of its employees. This can help retain staff in a competitive job market. Moreover, modernizing software can contribute to the professional development of employees, which can increase their engagement and satisfaction.

Belgium’s Easytocare can attest to that. This organization takes medical professionals out of processing their paperwork. They deployed a new application based on low-code that worked much easier than the old application. Therefore, new employees now require much less familiarisation time and existing employees spend much less time manually checking performance codes. They now get automatic feedback from the application when the wrong code is entered. As a result, there are far fewer errors and a lot of time is saved on research. This leaves more time for other tasks.

Looking for the right application for a healthcare facility?
Do you want to reduce the administrative burden on staff at your institution?
Our consultants are happy to help you develop the right low-code applications. Schedule an introduction meeting right away.


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