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Optimize customer experience

Optimizing customer experience when delivering medical devices for complex issues

Helping the customer faster and better

Putting the customer first and providing the best medical devices. That is the main priority of MediReva, a Dutch supplier of medical devices and care materials. The organization wanted to retain its existing ERP system while improving the customer experience and better complying with laws and regulations. Together with Bizzomate, they built MoZaïeK,’ a back-office application based on Mendix low-code. The application allows them to help clients faster and give more attention to clients with complex issues. In addition, MediReva is now more compliant with laws and regulations which helps them in dealing with health insurers.

  • Existing ERP system was getting in the way of innovation
    Lots of customization limited agility
  • Switching to agile mindset
    Utility and need for change requires persuasion

ERP with flexible shell

MediReva is originally a family-owned company specializing in the delivery of medical devices nationwide. It is headquartered in Maastricht and employs about 600 people. To make the processes in the organization as efficient as possible, MediReva has been using an ERP system for years. In it, current customer data is linked to logistics and inventory data.

In order to meet the changing laws and regulations surrounding the healthcare process, much continued development on that system over time. As a result, it became increasingly difficult to switch to a new version.

Moreover, a situation arose in which the organization could no longer properly oversee what impact new modifications to the system would have on its operation. MediReva’s rapid growth in both customers and employees also meant that it no longer met current needs.

Keep using existing ERP system
That’s what MediReva wanted to do something about because it was essential to them customers continue to provide the best resources now and in the future. They decided to continue using the existing ERP system and build a low-code application around it for the healthcare process. They started looking for a partner who could support them in this endeavor. After a careful selection process, MediReva chose Bizzomate.

Linda Ramaekers, process manager at MediReva: “During the selection process, with other parties I often had the idea that they would build what I asked for. With Bizzomate I was the only party that had the idea that they were going to build what I needed. Because they listened very well, thought along and asked critical questions, we were convinced that they were best able to translate what we really needed in this extensive digital transformation project. In addition, we simply had a very good click.”

More on this sector:

Good explanation crucial in implementation

During design thinking sessions, we then first identified what needed to be built. The central question was: will this solution really solve the organization’s problems?

Subsequently, the implementation of “MoZaïeK” proved quite challenging at times. The organization had to get used to the agile method in which the application was continually improved in small steps. With Bizzomate’s help, MediReva’s managers therefore always explained as best they could what was being built and why.

The first version of “MoZaïeK” was delivered in June 2020. In the two years that followed, five more major releases were delivered. ‘MoZaïeK’ now streamlines healthcare processes at MediReva and is also the basis for the MediRevanet, the system that professionals in the hospitals work with. The existing ERP system remains in use for the logistics processes, but is now easily converted to a new version.


Digitizing Healthcare Logistics


This is how we work

Better compliance and greater insight into customer data

Working with ‘‘MoZaïeK’ provides MediReva with several important benefits. The application makes it easier for employees to enter intake interviews according to applicable laws and regulations. Sometimes that means an extra action, but because employees know why it is necessary, it is not a problem.

In addition, customer service employees now have more insight into the customer’s situation. For example, they can now see if a customer has called before and what medical devices have been ordered by them in the past. This puts the customer more at the center of the care process and allows them to be helped faster with the right resources.

More room for clients with complex issues
In addition, clients with MoZaïeK’ will soon order sixty to seventy percent of medical devices directly through the site without the need for another customer service representative. This creates additional space for clients who need more attention because of their complex issues or because they are already elderly and enjoy having someone on the line.

Because a large portion of requests will be handled entirely online in the future, nurses will then have more time for these clients. They can better help these people based on their specialized knowledge. This is expected to yield not only more satisfied customers, but also more satisfied employees who are happy to be able to use their knowledge for people who really need it.

Suggestions for the best medical devices
In the future, the functionality of ‘MoZaïeK will be further expanded.

Because all customer data is now collected automatically, in the future MoZaïeK will also show suggestions of medical devices previously used in a similar situation to customer service agents, making it even easier for them to give the best possible advice to customers.

Marc Gelissen of Bizzomate: “MediReva was working with the agile method for the first time. Especially in the beginning, that meant we sometimes had to work with them on managing expectations among employees. In the end, it was all worth it and with MoZaïeK’ we delivered a future-oriented application that allows MediReva to do what they want most: put the customer first and provide them with the best possible medical devices.”

Linda Ramaekers: “We are very satisfied with our choice for Bizzomate. The way they work and know how to ask the right questions really helped us during this process. In every phase of the project they also knew how to use the right developers with exactly the expertise we needed at that moment. If the project wasn’t going so well for a while, we could simply say so. This extensive digital transformation project with Bizzomate has been a complete success as far as we are concerned.”

Related services

  • Better compliancy
    Easier to record intake interviews according to standards legislation
  • Customer is central to care process
    Greater insight into customer data provides background on help demand and puts it at the center of attention
  • Intermediate step no longer needed
    App enables independent medical device ordering in majority of cases

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