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SMEs primarily use Low-Code to quickly adapt to changing business needs

24 January 2024 • News


Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are using low-code to respond more quickly and flexibly to business demands, according to a recent survey of dozens of SMEs. The survey was conducted during the seminar “Taking Low-Code to the Next Level”, organized by Bizzomate, an expert in software solutions for digitizing and optimizing business processes.

75 percent of the participating companies indicated that they are already using low-code in their organization. In addition to responding more quickly to business questions, over 70 percent of the companies cited the acceleration of application development and the reduction of software development costs as their main objectives for adopting a low-code platform. However, more than 70 percent of the companies also identified a lack of the right skills and capabilities as the biggest challenge to further digitalization.

Philippe Neven, a spokesperson at Bizzomate, said, “Agility is crucial for every company, especially SMEs. It is often their greatest strength to respond quickly and specifically to developments in their market. The high rate of low-code adoption among these companies shows that they are not afraid to embrace technology that supports them in this regard.”

Elevating collaboration to a higher level
During the survey, participants were also asked about the most important factor in improving cooperation within teams in their SME company. 41 percent reported that a culture of trust and respect plays the biggest role, followed by the combination of clear communication and shared mutual goals at 25 percent.

Neven added, “It is important to have trust within a team to share ideas and opinions freely in order to achieve the best end result. Just like good communication, these are things you need to consider when assembling your teams. When integrating low-code into your organization, good collaboration based on trust is essential. Trust allows you to give teams control over the distribution of their budgets, planning, and approval. This allows the full potential of low-code development to be realized, enabling faster and more frequent software development. In this way, the needs of the business are much easier to translate into concrete applications.”


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