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Efficient inspection factories

With smart app that makes work processes more efficient & provides 24/7 insight into status inspections

At the Chemelot site in South Limburg are about sixty different plants.
The specialists of technical service provider
Sitech theyn veranted for maintenance, upgrades and inspections of these plants.
They switched
Bizzomate in to the process around inspections to be digitized.
The low-code application that
Bizzomate built, mhe digital dashboard now provides 24/7 live insight into the status of the inspection process so that timely adjustments can be made if necessary.


  • Efficiency through digitization Application makes work processes more efficient and provides a significant improvement over completing paper reports.
  • Real-time insight and adjustment Digital dashboard provides 24/7 live insight into the status of the inspection process, allowing for timely adjustments the risk of inaccuracies is lower.
  • Safety and compliance Easier compliance with applicable laws and regulations thanks to 24/7 visibility into the status of inspections.

Need for greater insight

Chemelot is a large industrial park in South Limburg.
The site employs about 8100 people, including a large number of suppliers.
On the approximately 800-hectare site, work is always carried out according to the strictest safety requirements and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
In addition, the equipment in the factories must be inspected regularly.
This is taken care of by Sitech.

Several Sitech departments are involved in such an inspection, and reports were completed on paper until recently.
The risk here was lack of insight into the status of the inspection process.
Moreover, this approach sometimes led to inaccuracies, lost information and insufficient insight by case managers about possible problems.

More on this sector:

No standard app available

To make the work process more efficient and increase insight, Sitech Engineering Services decided to digitize the work process around inspections.
Together with a partner, they analyzed the work process.
This revealed a number of important requirements.

Sitech needed an application that functions as a ticketing system, where it is clear who is responsible for what.
The history of the inspections had to remain secured, so that any changes are always traceable and the inspection reports can be linked to underlying documents.

In addition, Sitech wanted the digital version of the inspection reports to have a similar look-and-feel as the inspectors were used to from the paper version.
However, they soon discovered that there was no standard application on the market yet that met these requirements.

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We introduce Mendix

During the development process Bizzomate really connected with our business. They examined our business processes in detail and were not afraid to challenge us on whether certain functionality was really needed.

Rob Gülickers

CTO bij Sitech Services

Customization with low-code

Sitech started looking for a platform to build a custom application and quickly arrived at low-code.
The main advantage of low-code is that it allows you to build custom apps quickly and easily.
The second step was to find a vendor that could build these low-code applications for them.

After a careful selection based on the formulated design principles, they chose Bizzomate.
Rob Gulickers, Director Engineering at Sitech: “Bizzomate impressed us with the future-proofing they could offer us with Mendix low-code, which is owned by a multinational Siemens.
In addition, we were comfortable with their pragmatic approach and in-depth knowledge, which gave us confidence that they could build the platform we needed.”

Pilot Project
During the first pilot of the application, they found out that the functionalities of the first version needed further optimization.
A list of requirements was drawn up, which Bizzomate set to work on.
A few months later, the WGDA application, which stands for Werkzaamheden Gebruiksfase DrukApparatuur, was officially launched.

  • Developing quickly and easily with low-code
  • Future-proof and reliable by Mendix low-code from multinational Siemens.
  • Continuity of operation with reliable application

More flexibility for plant inspectors

The WGDA application offers several advantages.
The application provides a real-time dashboard that maps the entire ticket process.
Project managers can see exactly what the status of an inspection is thanks to direct access.
This makes it easier for them to adjust and intervene quickly if necessary.
Inspection reports are also automatically saved and processed into reports that can be sent digitally to the customer.

The inspectors themselves can see exactly what their to-do’s remain through the online ticketing feature.
Once they have completed their task, the representative from the next department is automatically notified.
This represents a huge efficiency improvement, as in the past this often meant physically taking the papers to the next office.

Because the application is available online, inspectors can complete some of their tasks at home and do not have to come to the site for the next step in a process, which increases their flexibility and saves a lot of time.
Inspectors can use their time more efficiently as a result, which is a big advantage in times of staff shortages.



Rollout application to subcontractors

Rob: “The WGDA application, initially used only by our key users, has been a great success.
As a result, we will now roll out the application to all plant inspectors, a group of more than 100 people.
Eventually we will add even more subcontractors, which will allow us to work even more efficiently and effectively and further improve visibility into the status of equipment in our plants.
Meanwhile, we are also already looking at what work processes we can digitize in the future, so we see plenty of opportunities for new low-code applications there as well.”


  • Expanding use Successful WGDA application is rolled out to over 100 plant inspectors.
  • Efficiency improvement Even more efficient and effective work processes when app use subcontractors app
  • Future digitization New opportunities for digitizing future work processes with low-code applications.

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